I feel very interested in this topic because it shows new sociological issues about our generation.
The role of Facebook, which was only a social network, has taken huge proportion today.
I read about a story of a young intern in a bank in London, asking to his boss if he can miss friday because one of his relatives died. His boss, suscpicious, check on facebook, finding some pictures showing his young intern, drunk and dress like a girl, when he was supposed to be in a mourning.
Facebook is fantastic because you can easily keep in touch with all your friends (even if a huge part can't be considered as friends) but it can also be dangerous.
It is a kind of spying and you can become crazy, for example, if you have a guy that you like on your friends and check his profile every 2 hours.
However, most of them like that. Me, I hate when people update every 3 hours their comment profile, telling their life. That's just too much.
I use facebook to share pictures with my friends in France, it is easy.
But I am always very interested to know story about facebook, then I found this article.
The certainly very common story about a guy who has almost 700 friends on Facebook and try to create an "event" and only one person came.
Pathetic but so true because it shows that facebook is only a facade, and there is nothing else than real contact with friends.